Vivien07 írta:Köszönöm a 13. részt!!!
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A Wikipédián ez áll:
The telecast of episode 13, which was initially set to air on May 29, was postponed and rescheduled to air on Saturday, May 30, at 10 p.m. KST for the broadcast of the 2011 American thriller film, Contagion. The broadcasting channel revealed that this special arrangement was made in hopes of increasing the safety awareness of people in the country about novel coronavirus pandemic. The decision was made on May 28, 2020 in the view of the rapid increase in newly confirmed COVID-19 cases in South Korea during the previous two days.
Ammennyire én értem kb: 05.28-án hozták meg a döntést, hogy nem 2 hanem egy rész lesz levetítve. A koronavírusos esetek száma újra nőni kezdett, ezért egy másik film ment ehelyett, ami a vírussal kapcsolatos tudatosságra hívta fel a figyelmet.